Ski and fun

Ski and fun: Intermediate to advanced

*For all participants who already know how to use their ski touring or splitboard equipment

Who should take this package?

Skill level required:

  • We ask participant to be able to ski /snowboard down regular tree runs.
  • We ask participant to be willing to challenge themselves.
  • Upon registration, you’ll be asked to fill a form: Smaller groups will be made, so your group will match your habilities / physical shape

Ski and fun package description

Custom package for the participants that want to optimise runs instead of learning about backcountry and ski touring basics. This package will make it possible to discover new mountain peaks inthe Murdochville / Chic-Chocs area. Ideal package for all participants that want to enjoy the best the chic-chocs have to offer, in the best ambiance possible! A woman ambassador is assigne to every group (6 to 10 people): She will be guiding you throughout your trip!

This package is customized to participants that already know how to use their ski touring / splitboarding equipement.

If an avalanche beacon is necessary during White Lips, a short introduction to the equipement is done, and a beacon will be provided. Full avalanche rescue classes are not planned whitin this package. (Other packages offer this certification).

Ideal for participants that did White Lips in the previous years, or for the ones that already know how to use their touring equipment.

Teachings 30%
Descentes 70%

Make my reservation online

Taxes are not included.

Online reservation only For more info or any issues with your reservation, call directly to the Chic-Chac by phone: 1-418-784-3311. Number of participants are limited. First come first served. Limited places available.

This package is ideal to ski and snowboard without concerns!

This is custom heading element


  • Food and accomodation included. (3 nights, 8 meals).

  • Sponsor’s surprises!

  • Classes are replaced with maximum time up on the mountains.

  • Daily transports to the mountains.

  • Guided service on the mountain.

  • Saturday night party entrance fees

  • Guided night time ski run (with a headlamp)!

  • Access to Miller mountain all weekend (T-bar).

  • Even more surprises!

Other packages are available

Introduction to backcountry skiing (Ski touring and splitboarding)604,99$+tx

Teachings 30%
Descentes 70%

Never been ski touring or splitboarding in the backcountry? You love skiing/snowboarding and are looking into getting into backcountry? This package is exactly what you’re looking for! The goal is to learn all the basic of ski touring: from security in avalanche terrain to using the right equipment the right way, at the end of White Lips, you’ll have all the info needed to plan a small day trip with your friends. Half a day is reserved for teachings, and then you’ll be taken to the mountains! Don’t worry about the 50-50 percentage of learning / skiing: You will be spending most of your time outside!

January 16 to 19th 2020

5. Forfait Descentes - Catski et plaisir

Teachings 20%
skiing 80%

Un forfait ski/snow à volonté! Avec une journée au mont Miller (T-bar) et 2 journées de catski incluses (Une au mont Porphyre et une au mont York), vous aurez un maximum de descentes durant votre séjour! De plus, vous profiterez de l’encadrement des guides du Chic-Chac: Que ce soit pour améliorere vos techniques de bases en ski/snow dans la poudreuse (Enchaînement de virages, visualisation des meilleures lignes) ou pour pousser vos limites (Sauts de plateformes, falaises) il y en a pour tous les goûts et calibres.)

16 au 19 janvier 2020.

4. Management in avalanche terrain (GTA) package799,99$+tx

Teachings 20%
skiing 80%

This new “decision making and management in avalanche terrain” class was developed by Avalanche Quebec in 2016 to bridge the gap between CSA-1 and 2, the official certifications. The class was created for those who want a deeper understanding of the skills you need to plan your trips in avalanche terrain. This cllass was developed by Avalanche Quebec in 2016 to bridge the gap between CSA-1 and 2, the official certifications.

January 16 to 19th 2020